Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, April 30, 2007

Busy Days @ Work

The least favorite part of the month for me fall at the beginning and the end of each. I work at the local drugstore and we get very, very busy at these times. Of course, this is the time for people to start going on vacation and some of our employees are still in college and they have finals this week. So we had one on vacation and 2 leaving work to go to school. So that left the Pharmacist and poor little old me to finish the day. It totally stunk. But everything went well, believe it or not!! I've learned that there is nothing you can do about sick people but try and make them feel better. Well at least that is my thinking. :) Anyways check out the photos that I love so dearly of my nephew, Alex. When I get down and grouchy these are the photos that make me smile the most.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday's Are A Blast

Today was the last day of our Daniel Bible study by Beth Moore. Might I say very very good. If you have not had the chance to do this study. I hope that I will continue to be a Daniel in our Babylon today. I will truly miss this study. I just love anything that will throw in some prophecy in anywhere!!

On another note, Nick and I also went to a cookout at his Mom and Dad's after my study was over. We had a blast! Most of his family was there. We played volleyball, bad mitten, croquet, yes croquet, and we ate hamburgers and hot dogs. YUM YUM. We also had our first homemade ice cream of the year. Might I say very tasty to the Aunt who made it!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Ordinary Day's

Today was just another ordinary day. Work, Work, Work. Although, Nick is going to take me to the movies!! Yeah!!!!!! We are huge Will Ferrell fans and Blades of Glory is on!!! It is supposed to be very funny!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for a God who forgives me for all things no matter how bid or small. I am thankful for my husband, family, friends, and co-workers. I am thankful for a church family who love Nick and I, and let us serve where we can. I am really thankful for our Pastor and his family because they do so much for our church.