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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thankful Thursday

1. First of all, I am thankful for a loving and giving Lord who loves Nick and I enough to give or bless up with a child.

2. I am thankful for a hubby who even though he had a terrible day at work on Tuesday, he still cared enough to fold some towels so I wouldn't have to do it!! Thank You!!

3. I am thankful for thepreachers-wife and nspiredbyfaith who make me laugh on a daily basis.

4. I am thankful that my vacation is next week and even though we are just going to the river I will be so glad to be away from the pharmacy. We also go for our first ultrasound on the 5th, so I can't wait!!

5. I am thankful for Luke 1:37--Nothing is impossible with God!! Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**If you would like to participate please go to Sting My Heart to join in!!!

**Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!!

Prayer Request

I just received a phone call from my dear friend Ducks and Books, aka Jenny, who asked that I pray for one of her daughters KayLee. If you have read her blog you know that this precious one is suffering from another UTI. Jenny was able to move her doctors appointment to today. I ask that you please pray for this precious baby girl that God will heal her and the doctors can find the true cause of all these infections and stop them from coming back!! Their appointment is at 1:oo.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Little of This and A Lot of That..................

Sooooooo.......................I have been trying to think of something to write since last Thursday, but I have just been drawing a complete blank! So I thought I would share a few things about how I told Nick that I was pregnant and our family also.

We had been trying since January to get pregnant and May rolled around and nothing. I thought we would just wait and see what June brought, but it turns out that God had other plans. Our 4 year anniversary was on May 17th. I had been feeling a little sluggish and really just thought it was stress from work. My sister,NOONOO, had called the day before and was telling me about a diet that she was gonna try and I told her that I had just gotten through eating a quarter pounder with cheese for lunch. She asked me if there was a "reason" that I was eating something like that and I said "no" because I thought that there was no way I could be pregnant because we were even using an ovulation kit and it didn't work. Soooooo........ on our anniversary I decided what the heck, I'll take a test and see. I did the test and thought that I would just leave it laying there, walk away for a while and then come back later. Before I could get out the bathroom there was already a plus on the test. I had to look at it a few times before I could believe my eyes. When it finally hit me, I hit my knees by the bathtub and started to praise God for His many many blessings. What a time of praise I had with Him. I could not wait till Nick got home. It was all I could do to not call him and tell him over the phone.
When he got home from work, he came around the corner with his anniversary card behind his back thinking he would beat me to the card giving. Well, needless to say, I one upped him when I pulled out the pregnancy test and showed it to him. He was shocked but he did not faint! HEHE! He was one happy "Daddy"!! We could not wait to tell, but because I couldn't get a doctors appointment for a month, we had to keep our mouths shut!

So a month went by and I went to the doctor to confirm what 5 other, yes 5 , tests had confirmed. When Nick got home from work that day we went up to his Mom and Dads to tell them the news. Of course I had to tell them because I don't think Nick could even say the words out loud. So I just went with-"I'm going to rock both of your world's with what I'm about to tell you." Before I could even say it, Tom said "Your pregnant aren't you?" I said yes and I don't think he thought that I was serious until I had to tell Sharon Yes a lot because all she could say was really? really? really? They were excited but I think Tom thinks he won't get to ride his motorcycle all that much anymore. Everyone that we told has been very excited. Of course we had already told My parents because I knew my Dad would not be home last week after I went to the doctor and I wanted to tell them at the same time.

Anyways, enough of my ramblings!! Have a blessed day! To be continued.......... I go to the doctor next Thursday and I'm sure there will be a photo to show!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thankful Thursday

First of all, I just have to say that I am thankful for everything. I mean it-everything!

I am thankful that I can finally tell people that I am pregnant! Yes- PREGNANT!
Can you believe it?????? I am 9 weeks and counting. We go for our first ultrasound on July 5th which, by the way, is Daddy Nick's birthday. What a day that will be!!!
I can only keep a secret for so long!!

Thank you Lord for your many blessings!!!

Have a blessed day!!

**If you would like to participate please go to Sting My Heart to join in!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thankful Thursday

1. I am thankful that I am able to write my thankful list this week. I was way to busy last week with VBS and other things.

2. I am thankful that I got a haircut today. I was looking a little bushy!

3. I am thankful for my wonderful hubby!! I Love You!!!!!!

4. I am thankful for great co-workers who make my job easier these days!!

5. I am thankful for my sisters: Vickie and NooNoo! I love you both very much!!

6. I am thankful for wonderful parents. My mom's birthday falls on fathers day this year sooooo Happy Birthday, a little early!

7. And last but not least, (probably should have put this at #1), I am thankful for Jesus Christ!! Who reminds me everyday that He loves me more each day and forgives me no matter what!!

**If you would like to participate please go to Sting My Heart to join in!!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Well I have been gone for quite a while, but only to get a lot of things done that needed to be done. I had to prepare for VBS and what a task this year was to me. Everything turned out so well and I sort of miss it already!! I just love being around my kids and watching them learn all kinds of things!! Especially all the songs and the moves that go along with them. To tell the truth it's my favorite thing to do!! :-) Take a look at my photos and of course it is of them dancing!! HEHE!