Boy. Where does the time go? My precious son is 18 months old today. Can you believe it? This boy right here............
I have no idea where it goes but it needs to stop! He is getting so big.
Dear Andrew,
Mommy and Daddy love you so much! What did we do without you? At this age you can do just about everything but talk. That's okay though because I am sure when you do decide to do that you won't quit.
You have two cousins on the way. Cooper will be here in September and Baby Graham will be here in February. You are gonna have alot of playing to do when they get here.
Your favorite toys are Mr. Ducky of course and your knew Mater truck. You like big trucks alot. Every time we see one you just have to point and grunt.
You like to dance ALOT and I mean ALOT. Dancing is your thang! You like it when Mommy turns the IPOD on so we can dance to Glory by Casting Crowns. You rock out alot!!! But you are so funny! We think you are the funniest person we know!
God has truly blessed us by letting us be your parents and we continue to thank Him everyday for that blessing!
We Love You!!
Mommy and Daddy
Small Town
2 years ago
2 blessings:
That is hard to believe. He is the cutest. I love the pic.
Andrew is Pawpaw & Gran's ROCKSTAR!!!
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