I have to ask all of you mothers a question! My precious son has never been known to spit up on anyone at all. But now he has started to projectile spit up several times a day. (YUCK!) This coming from a Mom who does not like to throw up herself and who will make all efforts not to!!
So I ask you.......is it common for them to just all the sudden start spitting up when they never have before? Is it because he sits up a lot more now? I need answers please! I am one of those paranoid Moms who have to know is it normal or not so normal! Any help would be appreciated! Books do me no good!
Small Town
2 years ago
5 blessings:
Melissa, don't worry. My little one went through phases of spitting up. When he was an infant, he spit up after EVERY meal! Now he rarely spits up. Have you fed anything new to Andrew? Sometimes introducing new foods can make them spit up. I think it's just part of the whole growing up process. I'd only be concerned if he looks like he's loosing weight and/or has a fever.
It's been so long since I had a little one...but I remember my niece doing the projectile thing and she had reflux. Hopefully that is not it.
He is such a big boy, is he drinking to fast? Sometimes that will do it. Ross was so big his first year and he could not get enough, he would drink until I just took it away and then he would be to full!! Sometimes it would come back up. I'm sure he will be fine, its probably just a stage he is going through. Maybe it won't last for long. Have a good week!
At 4 months I know you don't want to hear this but he is probably teething....this causes an upset stomach and could be the reason
I was thinking the same thing as Judith. It seems like every time Carter started getting a tooth he spit up like crazy and almost never did any other time.
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